Tuesday, August 9, 2011


  I want to make this first Blog post to introduce myself. I have never done this before so be gentle.

I am going to school in the next few weeks to learn computer stuff. Sure any brain dead moron now a days can figure that stuff out, but I honestly cant find any other passion. Perhaps I should become a cop?  (As soon as I go to the gym I promise.)

I will post here often so there will always be something to check out. I think I may start with documenting my weight loss and posting tips for those who also wish to take part. However I'm just coming out of the water, so dont expect anything.

My life is going in  an interesting phase at the moment. As is every young person's who is moving onto college. I will be happy to document and share every step with all of you. I promise many more meaty blogs in the future.
